Like payers, providers understand that increasing automation and electronic transactions has a direct impact on their bottom line.
For payers, simply “turning on” electronic capability does not guarantee every provider will begin utilizing this capability. To truly create savings, sometimes a helping hand is needed to identify “paper-offenders,” that is, those providers still submitting paper claims. A targeted growth program focused on increasing electronic transaction volumes can help identify those providers and target them with specific messaging to educate and encourage their office staff on how to improve electronic submission rates.
“At Coventry, we saw clear, measurable increases in both EDI rates and our real-time transactions,” said Harry Fox, former Vice President of e-Commerce for Coventry Healthcare and current Vice President, Business Information Officer at Kaiser Permanente, speaking of Coventry’s Accelerated Growth Program with Emdeon. Over the last several years of the program, Coventry’s rate of electronic submission has risen from 39 percent to 71 percent. By increasing the usage of real-time eligibility and claim status inquiries through Emdeon, Coventry’s call center volumes have decreased by approximately 30 percent.
Claim data analysis and opportunity identification based on rejection rates and low provider utilization help establish goals and drive data-driven programs that increase the adoption of electronic transactions and reduce paper handling. Customized programs are tailored to fit individual payer needs. Coventry Health Care’s growth program, administered by Emdeon, included provider education seminars, direct telephone outreaches and targeted direct mail campaigns to providers.
According to Fox, Emdeon has “a group that understands the data, understands how to analyze that data and they are able to execute the growth strategy through sales and marketing.” Learn more on Emdeon’s approach to growing EDI volumes by clicking here.
Interested in learning about our new program to grow provider participation in Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) reimbursement transactions? We now have a team dedicated to provider EFT enrollment outreach. Contact your account manager or give us a call at 877.EMDEON.6 to receive more information on this exciting new service!
Achieve Savings Through Targeted EDI Growth
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