We are pleased to announce Emdeon has met requirements of the Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission's 5010 Readiness Assessment Program. Emdeon scored 100 percent, further demonstrating our ongoing commitment to help ensure HIPAA 5010 compliance.
In addition to this recognition, Emdeon continues to help our payer partners and submitters successfully migrate to the X12 5010 and NCPDP D.0 versions of HIPAA transaction standards. We have updated our gap analysis documents to include the recent 5010 Errata changes and have enhanced our 5010 systems and products to support these changes. Errata versions of the gap analysis documents are available at the HIPAA Simplified website under 'Downloads'.
We strive to provide updated and accurate information for HIPAA 5010 readiness. Answers to the most commonly asked questions about HIPAA 5010 are below.
Q. How is Emdeon preparing for HIPAA 5010 testing?
A. Emdeon is testing and implementing 5010 standards with submitters and payers. The late release of the Errata changes to the 5010 transaction standards further constricted the already narrow 5010 testing and conversion window. Nevertheless, Emdeon has initiated submitter and payer testing on all 5010 transactions, as you can see in the list below.
Q. Which Errata tests are being conducted?
•837 Professional claims
•837 Institutional claims
•837 Dental claims
•835 ERAs
•270/271 Eligibility verification
Emdeon is also testing with submitters and payers the Final Rule version for HIPAA X12 transactions the Errata revisions did not include:
•276/277 Claim Status
•278 Referral/Authorization
Emdeon's guiding principles for the 5010 program are to sponsor a rational, orderly and realistic transition while protecting provider cash flow and successful payer EDI penetration.
Q. What is the timeline of events?
A. Emdeon is committed to supporting 5010 standard transactions on all of its products and services prior to the compliance date (January 1, 2012). Emdeon is in 5010 production with early implementer submitters and payers and is also in 5010 testing with many of our trading partners.
Q. Where can I find additional HIPAA 5010 information?
A. Emdeon has created a valuable resource, HIPAA Simplified, that is available to all industry stakeholders at www.hipaasimplified.com. HIPAA Simplified is a one-stop, online resource that features gap analysis, business-level documentation, webinars, transition timelines and customer testing information.
Thank you for trusting Emdeon as your information source for HIPAA readiness. We work diligently to deliver solutions that help our submitters and payers seamlessly meet industry regulations.
HIPAA Simplified Update
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