Encouraging Electronic Claims Submission Saves Money- up to $175,000 annually!

Save some money with electronic claims
Did you know that most providers cite the top barrier to submitting electronic claims is simply a lack of information? Many times providers just need to be informed that a certain claim type can be accepted electronically, and sometimes it’s even as simple as informing the provider of the correct Payer ID. That’s where Emdeon Accelerated Growth Program for Claims comes in. By leveraging our extensive provider reach with our analysis of your organization’s electronic and paper claim volumes, Emdeon identifies EDI opportunities and customizes a growth program to increase electronic utilization among connected, submitting providers, and conversion to electronic for paper-only submitting providers. Payers who actively participated in a growth program in 2008 realized an average annual savings of nearly $175,000!*

Emdeon’s Accelerated Growth Program for Claims can impact your bottom line by increasing EDI transactions, improving auto-adjudication rates and moving your organization and the industry closer to paperless administration. Specific and measurable growth plans designed by Emdeon help payers capitalize on EDI opportunities to increase electronic adoption and utilization among providers. If your organization has an Emdeon Managed Gateway agreement, you may even be eligible to receive a complimentary growth program.

So take further advantage of your Emdeon partnership today– based on your provider claim submission trends, we’ll identify barriers and educate your providers through phone outreach campaigns, seminars and co-branded marketing campaigns. Contact your account manager, give us a call at 877.EMDEON.6 or email moreinfo@emdeon.com to get you on the road to saving more money today with Emdeon Accelerated Growth Program for Claims!

*Average annual savings of payers whose combined EDI/paper claim volume was 100,000-1,000,000 per month


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