Top 10 reasons Payers and Providers are experiencing more WOW with Emdeon Vision for Claims Management

Experience the WOW factor of Emdeon Vision for Claims Management
Payers, providers and vendors all across the country are experiencing the WOW factor of Emdeon Vision for Claims Management. If you are a payer who processes claims through Emdeon, your customer service representatives can have access to this innovative, valuable reporting tool– don’t wait, enroll today. Here are 10 great reasons why you should enroll!

1. It's Fast!

Nearly 95% of all Emdeon Vision searches return search results in less than 5 seconds.

2. It's Easy!

Thanks to the simple user interface of Emdeon Vision, most users require NO training to use Emdeon Vision. For those users that do require training, Emdeon has created detailed training videos, a very thorough user guide, and online help available within Emdeon Vision.

3. It's included with your current service!

The ability to track claims in Emdeon Vision is complimentary for payers AND providers. No registration fee. No monthly fee. Consider it a free gift from us to you.

4. Experience a common view from one data source.

Emdeon Vision is used by Emdeon internal support, payers, vendors, and providers, all using data from a single source. With everyone using the same data, problem resolution is increased greatly.

5. Eliminate software or hardware maintenance.

Emdeon Vision is a web-based claim-tracking and reporting tool that can be used from any Internet-enabled computer. No new hardware or software is necessary.

6. Access historic claim data.

Emdeon Vision contains 15 months of claim data for all constituents (e.g. payer, provider and vendor). In this way, historical claim information may be reviewed for trends. All 15 months of historical claim data is available immediately upon registration. **

7. Eliminate software or hardware maintenance.

Emdeon Vision is a web-based claim-tracking and reporting tool that can be used from any Internet-enabled computer. No new hardware or software is necessary.

8. Improve provider relations.

Emdeon Vision can improve provider relations because providers can access their claim data easier and more quickly than through paper reports. This allows providers to “help themselves” rather than calling payers or vendors for claim information.

9. Reduce paper claim attachments.

With the introduction of Workers Compensation Attachments and Medical Claim Attachments in late 2009, Emdeon Vision will help payers and providers reduce the cumbersome and timely process of mailing paper attachments. The process is as simple as using Emdeon Vision to identify claims that require attachments, linking the attachment to the claim (a process much like attaching a document or picture to an email), and uploading the claim and attachment to the payer. As with everything in Vision, handling attachments is fast and easy.

10. Did we mention it is FREE?

Don’t wait– experience the WOW– learn more by visiting here or simply email us at to get started!

**Contingent upon length of time claim volume has been sent through Emdeon – if volume has been funneled through Emdeon for less than 15 months, availability is for the length of time volume has flowed through Emdeon.


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